Speno International SA

T +41 22 906 46 00 | info@speno.ch

Speno International – Service après-vente: L’expertise sur tous les fronts

After Sales Service:
Expertise on all Fronts

Speno International – Service après-vente
After sales service is provided for machines sold worldwide and comprises:

Offering recognized

With our fleet of over 30 machines, we do the same job as our customers. This know-how provides us with the understanding of the technical implications having an impact on the machine availability.
Speno International – Un savoir-faire reconnu à votre service

Maintenance: three levels of support

1. Niveau préventif: l’accom­pa­gne­ment.
Preventive level:

We accompany you through the programming of machine maintenance. This technical assistance is provided on site.

2. Niveau curatif: des solutions.
Corrective level:

We offer the replacement of parts and send our specialists to carry out or supervise repairs.

3. Niveau proactif: l’anticipation.
Proactive level:

We offer updates, in order to prolong the well-known service life of Speno machines and improve their performance.

Speno International SA – Service après-vente: L’expertise sur tous les fronts
Speno International – Pièces détachées: une fiabilité élevée

Spare parts:
high reliability…

The objective of maintenance is to guarantee the best availability of machines. This begins with the highest reliability of spare parts supplied and guaranteed “made by Speno”.

A training
for excellence…

Excellence is acquired and maintained by training. Your staff are trained to draw maximum profit from Speno technology.
Speno International – Une formation pour l’excellence
Speno International – Pour des besoins plus spécifiques

For more
specific needs…

We provide crews or supervisors on demand, to help meet the rail network’s objectives.
Speno International – Le consulting expert

The expert consulting

Our reprofiling experts make site visits to:


The grinding stone is the first element in the search for high rail surface quality and machine production. After sales service offers a range of grinding stones specifically developed by Speno, ensuring the optimum metal removal, quality finish, high longevity and complete safety.
Speno International SA – La meule: pierre angulaire de qualité


The grinding stone is the first element in the search for high rail surface quality and machine production. After sales service offers a range of grinding stones specifically developed by Speno, ensuring the optimum metal removal, quality finish, high longevity and complete safety.